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Gear Library

Fresno Building Healthy Communities, with the support of our partners, has established an outdoor gear library so that lack of adequate gear is not a barrier to enjoying outdoor recreation! Gear is available for free use on the honor system for our community and partners. To check out gear, you must be 18 years or older and complete the Front Country Leadership Training (don’t worry, we will train you). Please get in touch with or (559) 256-8726 for more information or to schedule training. 


To check out and use gear, please follow these steps:  


Step 1: Complete Front Country Leadership Training. 

Step 2: Create a user account by clicking the “Create Account” link at the top right of the library. 
           (Enter your contact information and create a username. You only need to complete this step once. After creating 

            an account, you can log in to request gear as often as you need, as long as you remain in good standing.) 

Step 3: Log in and browse the outdoor gear library and select the items you would like to request to your cart. 

Step 4: Go to your cart and complete the checkout process. 

Step 5: Fresno BHC’s Gear Library Manager will contact you to schedule your pick-up and drop-off location. 

Step 6: Head outside and have fun! 

Step 7: Clean the used gear and return it by the due date.  

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